Keyframing Audio in GarageBand

Showing a track’s automation curves

Each track has automation curves for volume, pan (except the master track), and other parameters. To make changes to a track’s automation curves, you need to show the track’s curves in the timeline.

To show a track’s automation curves:

Click the triangle next to the Lock button in the track’s header. The row for the volume and pan curves appears below the track in the timeline.


Choose the curve you want to work with from the pop-up menu at the left of the row. Click the blue square next to the name to turn on the curve for editing. The curve is a horizontal line extending the length of the track. If you move the track’s slider (for volume curves) or dial (for pan curves) before adding any control points, the entire curve moves up or down to the level of the slider or dial.


Adding and adjusting control points

To create changes over time, you add control points to a track’s automation curves at different points in the timeline, and then adjust the control points so the value changes. You can adjust control points by moving them up or down to a new value, or by moving them left or right to a new point in the timeline.

To add and adjust control points:

If the automation curve you want to edit is not visible, click the triangle in the track’s header to show the row containing the curves. Then choose the curve you want to edit from the pop-up menu on the left.


Click the automation curve at the place where you want to add a control point. After you add a control point, the curve no longer moves when you drag the slider (for volume or parameter curves) or dial (for pan curves). Drag the control point up or down to change its value. Drag it left or right to move it to a new point in the timeline. You can use the beat ruler to make sure the control point is aligned with a beat or measure. You can select all the control points on a curve by clicking the curve’s header.

You can edit a control point in finer steps by holding down the Shift key as you move the control point.

About track automation curves

You can create changes in volume, pan, and other parameters over time using “automation.” You add automation to tracks using track automation curves. You can add automation to any track, including the master track. After you add an automation curve to a track, you add control points to the curve at the points in the timeline where you want the curve to change to a new value. The curve changes evenly between the previous and next value.

For example, when you add two or more control points to a track volume curve, and then drag the control points to different values, the volume level increases or decreases smoothly between the points.

You can add a volume curve to any track, including the master track. You can add a pan curve to any track except the master track. After you add a pan curve to a track, you add control points to the curve at the points in the timeline where you want the curve to move to a new value. The pan curve changes evenly between the previous and next value, panning the track from left to right between the two points. On the pan curve, lower values move the pan position left, and higher values move the pan position right.

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